Attention Visionary Coaches, Healers & New Earth Leaders!!!

Are you Ready To Make More Money

& Magnetize a Life by Divine Design?

My Book Reveals The BLUEPRINT To Create Awakened Wealth!

My name is Clare Williamson and my book

Awaken Your Miracle Frequency; It's Easier Than You Think To Have It All

Shows you how I went from pushing and forcing wealth

To having miracles and synchronicities become my status quo... in my life and my business!

So, if you are ready to take your business to a 7-figure empire...

And you are ready for it to be EASY

I would love the opportunity to show you how to do it... the 'Awakened Way!'

Who Is This Book For?

  • Anyone Who Wants to scale a business to 7 figures & beyond

  • anybody who is searching for a way to make money, more easily with full integrity To Who You Truly Are and Your Creative Authenticity!

  • anybody who feels called to live life at 'the next level' - You Are ready for an expanded experience of life and full soul alignment, as well as more money in the bank!

what will you learn?

  • the role that your energetic blueprint is playing in your business success & 'life ease'

  • the energetic blocks that are holding you back from wealth, abundance & True Alignment

  • how to dissolve these blocks fast & easily!

this book is a step by step journey through my personal story that shows what is truly necessary to create awakened wealth, & exactly how i've Honed & Developed This 'awakened wealth blueprint' over the last 6 years

(This book comes with a free app that you can download and begin your awakened wealth journey!)

I Didn't Just Scale My Income, Impact And Influence...

I Transformed My Entire Financial Future

Money and success can come and go

Your Creative Power is infinite

I poured my heart and soul into writing this book

Because when I found true flow and stopped surviving,

I started manifesting the life of my dreams!

If you get your copy of Awaken Your Miracle Frequency; It's Easier Than You Think To Have It All TODAY, you are going to discover exactly how I did this…

How I:

  • Deciphered my Abundance Code

  • Broke through my limiting beliefs and paradigms

  • Let go of fear

  • Discovered Alpha Creation, accessed my Ultra Mind and learned how to bend reality at will!

  • Walked away from stress and hustle, for good

  • And UNLEASHED a Million Dollar Brand & Movement!

I haven't only made these changes in my own life... I have helped hundreds of other Visionary Coaches & Light Leaders change their lives also


Judith Says...

I exceeded my entire 2021 net sales in just 6 months using Clare's transformative process and I reconnected to trusting myself fully. I reached a point of abundant choice: I choose what I create - including money

Sales are coming easily!


Kendra Says...

"It took one visualisation that you gave me to clear a block, and then the money started flowing in. I honestly didn't know how I would pay to work with you. My finances were a mess. But I followed your lead, said yes, and let go. The money flowed in, and I feel so much better about the flow of money. Your teachings bounced me into a whole other world. A world of creating instead of pulling and grabbing. And it has been fun! I have cleared many blocks, brought so much more to my clients, and am experiencing such amazing things, like getting asked to talk about my work. I feel so relaxed and able to give love so freely and abundantly. Thank you, Clare. When I feel the pull of what everybody else is doing, you have enabled me to stay in flow with the creative force of the Universe and stick to actually creating what I want, instead of worrying, pulling and grabbing."


Patsy & Kendra Say...

"We've made 10k in 4 days and are still getting new enquiries!"

Now I want to offer this TRANSFORMATION to you

The EXACT Blueprint to awaken your Miracle Frequency, achieve success and abundance effortlessly, manifest your dream life and business on demand and live into your divine potential!

This Book is a MUST READ for…

  • The Visionary Light Leader who is ready to get off the hamster wheel of mentors, ads, blogs, videos, and courses and SIMPLIFY your journey to 7 figures and beyond, whilst deepening your spiritual journey so you can magnetize a life that is by DIVINE DESIGN!

  • The Visionary Light Leader who is ready to discover your inner power, your infinite creative potential and creative authenticity, and what you really need to scale your business easily!

  • The Visionary Light Leader who is ready to go deeper into the journey of Self-Mastery ans Self-Actualization through a more somatic approach; so you can unlock the innate and ancient intelligence of your body and the super-sensory capacity of your brain! This is how you start getting the Universe to do the heavy lifting for you!

The thing about the self-proclaimed experts and gurus who are saying they can help you scale your wealth "to the next level" in the "next best way" (i.e. mastering “omni-channels”, posting "disruptive content", running ads, trying YouTube, posting 6x a day on Tik Tok or finally finding the "one funnel you are away" from Millionaire gold) are forgetting a crucial piece...

They are only teaching one small part of the 'Wealth' puzzle... 

I reveal what they are missing in my book!

It is such a blessing that I have been able to impact the lives of so many Visionary Coaches and Light Leaders over the last 7 years

Now I want to get the Blueprint I have created into the hands of more people!!!

People ask me all the time, "I love your energy, how do I replicate it? How is what you have possible?

How is it possible to manifest all this amazing success so fast? What is the SECRET?"

That is exactly what I want to share with you!

It's time to UNLEASH what feels impossible!

For just $7.99

You can find out EXACTLY how you scale your income quickly

Whilst having more freedom, more fulfilment

And (dare I say it...) MORE FUN in the process!

If you have invested a hefty amount in coaches, masterminds, and other products to scale your income

  • But you are in yet another plateau

  • You’re still struggling with a lack of consistent and scaling income

  • You're feeling a lack of clarity and vision or are stuck in a state of overwhelm

  • And you are ready to switch off from your business and start enjoying the income you are making!

I am going to reveal WHY you just need to understand one simple energetic principle...

Behind why manifestation works!

And then I'm going to gift you a crystal clear, step-by-step pathway to reach your destination (including a free app to hold your hand through the steps!!!)

It is as simple as getting my book

So you can STOP wasting time trying to figure out your next steps

Or trying to duct tape together everything you are hearing "is the right way" to scale!

Ready to Get Access To My Entire Process

To Build a 7-Figure Empire 'The Awakened Way'?

I'm driven to share this because I am so confident that I can show you how to manifest a life like I have

Which gifts me freedom and a vehicle to income, impact influence and this incredibly joyful and gratifying creative authenticity.

If you work with energetics you will know... The more you GIVE... The more you GAIN!

But it is not about HUSTLE

I want to activate your MAGNETISM to everything you deeply want so that it attracts easily to you

Without the hustle and struggle you have experienced scaling your business thus far!

I want to simplify your marketing

And take away the "buff" that's taking away your time freedom! (And costing you money)

You are only holding onto this "buff" because really you are AFRAID to make bold moves that are truly aligned to who you are

This is an energetic state of SURVIVAL that makes you react to what your external world shows you

It creates a CAGE of "shoulds, limiting beliefs and responsibilities" that you get stuck in and it's fucking with your magnetic energy!

So what are you waiting for?

The time is NOW

This is the opportunity you have been waiting for

My income has easily doubled and then tripled by focusing on my FREQUENCY

If you are open to the MAGIC of Universal Law and ready to open your own energetic channels of abundance

If you KNOW the gateway to freedom lies in healing your mind and your body and learning to live in the energy of the future you are ready to create!

And you are ready to TRUST!

If you are ready to create the SPACE to align to the energy of who you really are, the true possibilities available to you and ALIGN in action from there

The investment for Awaken Your Miracle Frequency; It's Easier Than You Think To Have It All is just $7.99!

Your digital copy of Awaken Your Miracle Frequency; It's Easier Than You Think To Have It All

will be delivered to your inbox, so you can start discovering how miracles and synchronicities can become your status quo too...

And scaling your business can be EASY!

I'm walking proof of that... If you are ready for a journey to the divine rememberence of the most raw and deepest truth of yourself

I am ready to show you the way!

Inside Awaken Your Miracle Frequency; It's Easier Than You Think To Have It All

You’ll get access to my insight, lessons, and AWAKENED WEALTH BLUEPRINT

To start scaling your business with more ease, freedom and joy

You'll get to download my free app and start taking your own steps towards Awakened Wealth!

I call this 'Awakened Wealth' because money doesn't come at the sacrifice of your inner peace and creative authenticity.

You can UNLEASH a Million Dollar Movement that feels deeply aligned to your soul expression

That carries itself on the ripple effect of your message and high frequency!

So that your million-dollar income is matched by a million-dollar impact and lifestyle.

Your purchase today includes 7 bonuses!

The intention of this is to immediately be able to give you access to my world,

"My Way" of creating Awakened wealth

These are resources you can start using straight away to begin making the changes that will reflect in an Avalanche of Abundance!

If you buy now, I'll also include these 7 awesome bonuses at NO COST with your order today, which will help you awaken abundance, attract more success effortlessly and manifest your dream life.

These bonus resources and workshops are designed to complement what you’ll learn inside

Awaken Your Miracle Frequency; It's Easier Than You Think To Have It All

Awaken Your Miracle Frequency; It's Easier Than You Think To Have It All

Is available for a one-time investment of just $7.99

When you order today, you’ll get a digital download

PLUS all 7 of the bonuses listed above at no additional cost.

(I will also plant a tree on your behalf in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Order your digital copy today and get the exact Blueprint I used and am using with my clients to make money more easily, faster and in more alignment with the radical expression of your Soul Goal!

Please note there is also a limited time option to buy a hard copy of the book

And you will get the digital copy and all of the bonuses for free as well!

Copyright Clare Williamson Full Circle 2023

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